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1. Early Childhood Screening

Early Childhood Screening involves testing children between the ages of 2 and 7 in foundational and developmental areas including vision, coordination, speech, cognitive development, and social and emotional skills. The screening's purpose is to identify health, developmental and/or other factors that may interfere with a child's learning, growth and development. There are a lot of problems that could go undetected. We're seeing an increase in the number of possible problems. Hearing and vision is a common problem that could be overlooked." If potential problems are detected in any of the screened-for areas, the child then has the opportunity to receive specialized help before entering primary school. The following areas are targeted during screening: 

  • communication:  understanding and following simple instructions

  • Fine motor : handwriting / cutting / stringing 

  • Gross motor: balance /coordination

  • Visual perceptual skills: discrimination 

  • Attention and processing speed 

  • Sensory Processing


This Early Childhood Screening enables our therapists to gain an insight of  your child. Beside that,  parents will also gain in-depth information about assessment and therapy services, have an opportunity to ask the therapist questions and tour our centre.

Parents have the option to book an assessment or commence therapy (if their child has been assessed previously in the last 6- 12 months elsewhere, please bring along the report or referral letter) 

2. Assessments

We conduct various occupational therapy and speech therapy assessment services. Depending on the child’s age and ability, a full assessment usually involves a combination of standardised assessments, clinical observations and feedback of the child’s performance both at home and school. A formal report is applicable for special assistance in school such as extra time during exam or exemption from certain subjects. 

Who may benefit from support

A child may benefit from support if they have needs in the areas of:

  • Gross motor or fine motor skills.

  • Completing self-care skills such as toileting, brushing teeth, dressing or eating.

  • Handwriting including motor, sensory or perceptual challenges.

  • Organising themselves or their belongings.

  • Planning and sequencing tasks.

  • Regulating their body to attend to a lesson.

  • Emotional regulation

  • Forming and maintaining friendships.

  • Visual perceptual skills which may impact many school-based tasks.

  • Processing sensory information – for example becoming upset by certain fabrics, sounds or other sensory experiences.

  • Low frustration tolerance or poor impulse control.

Any child experiencing challenges preventing them from living life to the fullest could potentially benefit from occupational therapy services.  

Occupational Therapy

  • Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, Second Edition

  • Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration

  • Developmental Test of Visual Perception

  • Sensory Profile 

Speech Therapy

Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals (5th Edition) 

3. The Post Assessment Feedback Session

In the post assessment feedback session, the therapist will explain the comprehensive assessment report. This includes:

  • Assessment results

  • The child’s identified strengths and weaknesses

  • Therapist recommendations

Therapy reports are useful for schools and providing information for other professionals working with the child. The feedback session provides an invaluable opportunity for parents to discuss the findings and ask questions to understand further the challenges their child may be experiencing.

This assessment is crucial and ensure that our approach is specifically catered to your child’s needs, including targeted intervention goals in partnership with parent input. 

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